Kevin Landwer-Johan
Kevin Landwer-Johan

'Photographing People – A Guide For Shy Photographers' is my first book. 'Photomontages – A Unique Approach to Photography' is about a different style of photography.

I provide an online, structured mentoring program. This is for those serious about taking their photography to higher levels. I customize mentoring to suit your needs and what you most want to learn about.

Online Courses
I have 30+ years of professional photography experience. Over 10,000 students enjoy my online courses. Each course provides step by step instruction so you can learn and gain confidence.

We host customized photography workshops based at our home. Come and stay at our boutique hideaway bed and breakfast and get immersed in photography with us on your next vacation.

Kevin Landwer-Johan Photographer/Author/Teacher
Teaching Travel Photography
I love teaching travel photography. Photography, and teaching it, is my passion. So I love to share my experience, to empower you to enjoy photography more. Above all, I particularly love teaching travel photography.
To enjoy photography more means you have to be taking better photos than you were before. In order to do this, our workshops are all about teaching travel photography.
I (Kevin) have had over 30 years of professional photography experience. Starting out in newspapers I covered all manner of subjects throughout my career.
My work as a photographer started on the photo desk in a daily newspaper. This was an exciting opportunity. I was working with and learning from ten professional photojournalists. But, it was harder than I thought. These photographers were very competitive and secretive about how they made their photographs. As a result, I found learning from them difficult.
Over time, I gained the confidence of a few senior photographers as they realized I was serious and they began to teach me.
As I progressed through the ranks I became a photojournalist myself. This meant my job became my photography school. I was learning by experience. I had to come back from every assignment with at least one publishable photograph. The pressure was on and it was superb motivation.
As a result of this early frustration to find willing teachers has always inspired me to share what I know.
Freelance Photography
Before moving to Chiang Mai I ran a successful freelance photography business. Since moving to Thailand I have continued to pursue my career in photography. I have also branched out into documentary film making. I love the relaxed northern Thai culture and people.
My images are featured in many national and international publications including Time Magazine. My award-winning work is also represented by
I am on the advisory board of TIPS (Thailand International Photography Society.) I write my own photography blog. Photzy, Digital Photography School and other photography blogs also publish articles I write.
I’m a self-taught photographer with a depth of experience that I desire to share with others. One other way I love to do this is through my Photography Mentoring Program.
Teaching Travel Photography
I developed Chiang Mai Photo Workshops because I want to share my knowledge and experience. My aim is to provide our customers with the best photography training. I can also run Thailand photography tours.
Our Chiang Mai travel photography tours and workshops are for people who want to immerse in photography for a day. We also run photography tours and workshops from our boutique bed and breakfast. Come and stay with us at Suan Sook Homestay. Teaching travel photography in this environment happens at a relaxed pace. Your stay can be as long or short as you’d like.
I want to give you an experience where your photography ability grows more in a day than it ever has before.
Starting with a conversation about your photography experience we progress from there. This helps me learn where you are at and leads to more precise and personally focused teaching.
I teach travel photography and other aspects of camera use. Please let me know if you have something specific you want to learn about so I can tailor my teaching for you. There’s always room for lots of questions and extra clarification on the difficult stuff.
Don’t worry that you won’t remember it all because we give all our workshop customers one of our online courses.
Master Your Camera – Master Your Creativity
This course supports and revises our in-person workshop teaching. Once you’ve enrolled you can revisit the lessons as often as you like. There’s also a whole bunch of practical photography exercises included.
Teaching Travel Photography in Thailand
I love teaching our Chiang Mai Photo Workshops and the workshops we run based at our bed and breakfast, Suan Sook Homestay. The workshops in and around Chiang Mai are just one day whereas the Suan Sook photography tours and workshops can be as long as you like.
If you’re ready to make a booking or learn more, please visit Chiang Mai Photo Workshops or Suan Sook Homestay.
We run two other connected websites:
Chiang Mai Photo Workshops is all about our one day workshops based in and around Chiang Mai.
Suan Sook Homerstay has all the information about our bed and breakfast and the photography retreats we run based there.
Wanting to Learn More?
Check out my photography blog where I write about all things photography (and a little about cameras and other gear.)